
The Board for the Foundation meets the second Thursday of each Month from September through May at 5:30 PM in the Golden. Please feel invited to attend any meeting. Contact us for the location. If you are a local alumnus and wish to add your suggestions to the work of the Foundation, please consider joining the Board. Bob Hayes remains entertaining and loves to see his past students.

What YOU can do

You can participate as well. Volunteering to serve on our Board or a Task Committee keeps you in touch with an important part of your past and provides you with the opportunity to give back to the Golden community.

We need your support to continue assisting current Golden High School students, to participate in the "full" Golden High School Experience. Please consider making a Tax-Deductible eligible donation to support GHS students in a meaningful way.

To make a mail in donation:

Again, Thank you for your generous gift

Make a Donation

Donate now using one of our Venmo or PaPal QR codes or the Donate button below to use the PayPal site.